Clive Bowers facilitated
Thanks to all residents and service partners for coming. It’s important for partners to take the issues and activities forward. We will work together and find solutions
The lack of partnership meetings is because we have been busy with national lottery bid and bringing the local community back to the centre and ensuring resident led action is what drives the partnership and great to see so many residents round the table.
Dartmouth Swifts
A few years ago, local girls identified that lack of dedicated girls football so delighted to share the news. The Dartmouth Swifts is the girls football team that began 6 weeks ago with funding from TQ6 to support a lead coach and initially the venue hire. Now at Dartmouth AFC with regular numbers approaching 30. The girls came up with the name, designed the badge and the kit. TQ6 has funded training shirts. Sponsors found for kit and track suits. A connection is growing between Kingsbridge and Malborough. Thanks to Mike Jackson for turning words into action.
Date for diary:
** Fundraiser 14 May, at Dartmouth AFC **
SEN peer support group
Tuesday evenings at the Hub. Parents share info in a non judgemental space. There’s signposting and help, with filling out forms, for example. It’s parents helping parents. A place of understanding and support and the children, who lead their entertainment, like their own Dartmouth’s Got Talent.
Increase the confidence of the parents being able to support each other with forms and learning processes and procedures like EHCPs and better understanding through access to information and training. Parents are the best advocates for their children. If anyone wants to know more contact Jenna on 07867 520846
The winter warm space and hot meal provision is coming to an end, although café is still open. Now the cracks are showing in support services particularly mental health and addiction issues.
We’ve learnt a lot about building resilience in ourselves and we do have good partners. Ben at South Dartmoor Community Energy, for example, topping up energy cards and with South Hams offering slow cookers and throws. But there’s inconsistency in support and what happens when the funding runs out?
Ben of South Dartmoor Community Energy has working with Dawn and Rachel, helping people with pre-payment meters (time consuming and not straightforward), help people out of fuel debt, and LEAP (Local Energy Advice Partnership)
Children’s Centre
Update from Nick Roberts that the service continues to be targeted for families and is assessed only by referrals. But there are events and activities, including weigh-ins and baby massage. People can refer themselves with a phone call in the first instance. Suggestion to circulate the events to TQ6 who can share with interested parents.
Update from LiveWest that it will continue its provision of community development.
There is controversy around rent and service charge increases. LiveWest is trying to mitigate them, but the charges remain. There’s been a 7 per cent increase in rent and in some areas the service charge has gone from £12-15 a week to £mid-80s, in the highest example.
It was suggested South Hams Council could help with a discretionary payment.
Much of the increase in the schemes worst affected comes from antiquated and inefficient energy systems for the service and there are potential ways to reduce the charges with more energy efficiency, which is being explored. The legality of the increase was raised, along with other questions of what’s covered in the service charge, plus how best to support those faced with the increases.
Some residents are in effect served with 3 energy bills: the service charge; a bill for energy from the housing association and one their own for their domestic supply.
It was suggested by Energy expert that LiveWest look to their energy supplies and the fluidity of energy prices.
To be discussed further..
Listening Events
The TQ6 Community Partnership has held two listening events recently. What emerged was the top community identified priorities
- Access to (children’s) dentist
- Activities for children and young people (Charlotte from LiveWest is pursuing improvements to play park)
- Affordable childcare
- Better solutions to local transport
More community events will to be organised for school holiday times with ongoing CHAFF (Community Holiday Activities and Fun and Food)
Mental health support and Visible policing
Perpetrators know there is no police around. People aren’t reporting crimes because they have no faith in them. The town council has been putting pressure on, and has threatened to refuse to pay. The Police were normally around the Partnership – the Police started it, and the PCSO is really important.
Crime and anti-social behaviour is here, and the volunteers are expected to take on that pressure, facing threats of violence, while keeping people safe. That’s a massive responsibility to take on. They are expected to act as professionals but without any of the support of professionals. And people are ‘dumped’ at the cafe and volunteers are just expected to get on with it.
Dartmouth Community Chest
Now the summer season has began, the café times are changing: for May only (because of the bank holidays, the opening days will be Tuesdays and Fridays. We will see how it goes and keep you posted with changes).
First Saturday in the month it’s open for the community market.
Local groups use the space, SEN, Mankinde (both peer support), English lessons for Ukrainian families and often hosting local fundraisers, community events. The
ommunity fridge is accessible on open days and food parcels available 7 days – contact Dawn. Still collecting and redistributing white goods and furniture.
Thank you for coming (and reading!)
The next TQ6 Community Partnership will take place in the second half of June. Date, time and venue, tbc
Charlotte from LiveWest will continue to attend the community café – Tuesdays going forward, each week.
Dates to remember: 14 May, Dartmouth Swifts Fundraiser at Dartmouth AFC
Calls to action: Spread the word, let’s widen the Partnership and reinforce connections with BRNC to come and be part of the events we are hosting together.
Drop us a line: [email protected]

The TQ6 Community Partnership is supported by the National Lottery