TQ6 Partnership is committed to being community-led and the following plan of projects are all directly as demanded/identified as needed by the Community of TQ6.

Peer to Peer family parent SEN Group
This peer-to-peer parents and children’s group has been set up during the summer months with the support of a peer support mentor and they meet regularly every Tuesday. This time has been spent building trust with each other and whilst they wish to reach out to others, they are aware that it needs to have certain things in place.
First identified need: Playworker/s for the children creating activities and play with Sen specialist workers from Play Torbay creating space for dedicated time for parents to chat support each other. We visited Play Torbay’s Asrus SEN session in Torbay and made links with their SEN trained play workers, who would like to support this group with 2 play workers for Tuesday and also the monthly sessions, with a possible view of supporting them to develop a space much like Asrus.
Ongoing Playworkers come on stream at end of February
SEN trained play workers + expenses, Mentor peer support, + expenses, Parents courses – safeguarding
Equipment Sensory toys, craft materials, flyers and posters, refreshments
Monthly: Room hire, Music therapy sessions (possibility), play workers, materials, sessional peer mentor
Sessional organisation support
Girls Football
Identified over 2 years ago by local girl who has coaching skills. Coming from a city she wondered why there is no local girls’ football. Several community events identified at least 10 other girls who wanted to join, and since then more have said yes (including the schools REACH survey). Now the Lionesses have won the cup we need to make it happen.
Devon FA have offered support in convening a meeting between Paignton Villa and Dartmouth and Newton Abbot and Dartmouth. The local girl, potential the coach, needs support to make things happen and possible co-coaching. The PE department at Dartmouth Academy are very supportive and report need is there.
Mike and Alisha started the Dartmouth Swifts girls football club on March 6th at Dartmouth Leisure Centre, 5.30 – 700pm. This was met with a great turnout of 24 members from 9 – 12 who are full of enthusiasm for the sport. This will transfer to Dartmouth Town football ground in April when the Town season ends.
What’s Your Problem CIC
Active now in Community Chest Café.
There is an identified lack of access to family court and domestic abuse support locally. Whilst there are services, they are remote and people don’t know about them.
What’s Your Problem? provide access to legal support and specialise in domestic abuse and work in compliment to the ethos of the community partnership.
Alternate Wednesdays 10am-2pm inc spare hour for emergencies
Provided by www.whatsyourproblem.org.uk
Replacement hub
The original hub project in the Lottery bid has been superseded by access to Community Café in Market Place, Dartmouth. It is rented from the Council by Dartmouth Community Chest, a major partner and a registered Charity.
The original hub unit in Palladium Mews was made unavailable by building issues and a fire in the block. The unit is still shut and the tenancy we had is ended.
Access to the Community Café space provides now all the facilities envisaged in the original hub project in a much superior larger space, with excellent cooking arrangements, toilet facilities and a very accessible presence in the centre of the market. This is a meeting space, drop-in space, space for courses, and agencies to function, with access to computers, printers, and internet.
At the core of this partnership was the working relationship between TQ6 Community Partnership and Dartmouth Community Chest. This space allows both to continue building and developing support on offer and supporting the community to strengthen its own social infrastructure.
Widening access to CA advice and support.
Proposal to develop Citizens Advice services in Dartmouth starting asap
The aim is to react to greatly increasing demand from the wider community in and around Dartmouth by providing an additional weekly face-to-face session with a CA adviser, in a private neutral venue.
After discussions the new session looks to be at the new Health and Well Being Centre beginning at the end of May. In the meantime CA access is available on Tuesday mornings from 9.30 at the Flavel and at the Townstal Hall hub on Fridays
CA have a well-developed data recoding system, and monitoring of outcomes and this will be available for the Partnership.
Identified request for training in the community for self-help, sharing of expertise, learning new skills, creating expertise amongst the community, supporting and enabling the community to support its own through community-led-youth work
Other Future projects
Mankind ‘Menkinde’
This activity on Wednesdays is based at the Community Café and is thriving. There are plans for widening the activities available and introducing new ideas. Besides their regular Wednesday evening activities they were all out in the woods at Blackawton with Bushcraft for an amazing weekend of great activities and friendship.
Youth Work
The departure of the Youth Genesis organisation from Dartmouth due to financial reasons has left a big hole in provision for young people. St Clements Church are in process of appointing a full-time youth worker and they will need support to achieve all their goals. There is a wider need in Dartmouth, evidenced by an increase in reported problem behaviour since Youth Genesis left, and obvious observed need for support in the community. There is an urgent need to replace the skills and relationships that Youth Genesis had. This will be linked to girls football activities and potential boys football too.
Mental Health support
The need has been identified for support in TQ6 with mental health issues, both young people and adults.
Negotiations are current with health outreach bodies to address this.