Thursday, 19 October, 2023

TQ6 Community Partnership AGM
Attendees: Clive Bowers (C2); Charlotte Holdsworth (LiveWest); Andy Willetts (Police); Neil Powers (Police); Pete Condliffe (resident); Ashley Winsor (resident); Carl Smith (resident); Angela Simmons (Fight Club SEN Group); Dawn Shepherd (Dartmouth Community Chest); Caroline Voaden (parliamentary candidate); Ged Yardy (Dartmouth Town Council); Jackie Wesley (South Hams Community Action); Steve Smith (resident); Helen Snowden (resident); Beth (ESOL); Susanne Hughes (C2, Exeter University); Mary Burden (Dartmouth Rotary / SEN group volunteer); Graham Campbell (treasurer, TQ6 Community Partnership); Mike Jackson (Swifts coach); Guy Martin (Dartmouth Community Chest); Jayne Higgins (Dartmouth Community Chest); Ben Cooper (South Hams District Councillor); Theo Dallison (resident); Heather Bell (resident)
TQ6 Community Partnership AGM
Introduced by Clive Bowers of C2 and Charlotte Holdsworth of LiveWest
A bit of history
What this partnership is about – allows agencies and residents special moment when things come together
Past year’s report
Read the report to the Lottery (pdf)
Treasurer’s report
Read the Treasurer’s report
Constitution / partnership agreement will be updated
Election of Officers
Chair: Graham Campbell resigned (earlier in the year)
Vice chair: Alisa Kefford Parker resigned(earlier in the year)
Thank you to both of them for their energy, support and commitment
New chair Carl Smith (proposed: Dawn Shepherd / seconded: Mary Burden
Vice chair Ashley Winsor (proposed Pete Condliffe / seconded: Dawn Shepherd
Treasurer remains Graham Campbell (proposed: Clive Bowers / seconded: Charlotte Holdsworth)
Co-opted: Pete Condliffe, PR; Aly Denman, mental health
TQ6 Community Partnership, Partnership Meeting
1. Transport – how is everyone feeling?
Stagecoach removed the depot from Dartmouth. What has followed is an unreliable service and timetable changes, making it inconvenient. Also, schoolchildren are being dropped off at the wrong place.
The tendering for Stagecoach to run the Park and Ride is about to expire.
Pete has looked at Ged’s Dartmouth Ara Bus Proposal from a few years ago, and offered ideas for modernisation.
Action: Write to school, Devon County Council and transport commissioner about the situation.
2. Where’s our NHS dentist?
There’s confusion over NHS contracts and provision in the town. The high cost of monthly dental plans and work and off-listing people from NHS dentists without informing them was highlighted.
Action: Ged Yardy is going back to the Devon Integrated care systems (ICS) in an attempt to clear up the confusion. And feedback to the TQ6 Community Partnership.
3. A boys football team – let’s kick it around!
With the success of the girl’s football team, The Swifts (36 girls each week), an idea for a boy’s football team was kicked around. Mike, who runs the Swifts, said it needs at least 3 committed people. Jayne, who was involved in a previous boys football team, offered to help.
Because the Police had expressed an interest previously, they could be contacted going forward.
Action: Conversation’s to be continued.
4. Britannia Avenue playpark – update and what’s next
It has got all the funding it needs for stage 1: the Basket swing; goal posts and landscaping.
Action: Angela and Pete will be working with Charlotte from LiveWest to move forward with wider community engagement with the project.
5. Can we have an update on the banking hub?
Cash Access UK have visited the town for a venue. The initial option presented by the town council of the Dartmouth Visitor Centre was rejected (now a new solution for the Dartmouth Visitor Centre needs to be found). Cash Access UK are in negotiation with another (as yet unknown) venue.
Action: TQ6 Community Partnership will campaign for an external ATM.
6. Candle Lit Dartmouth – what’s happening?
Action: Carl and Ash to join members of Rotary to a meeting with former organisers to plan out next year’s event.
Action: For this year, a smaller event based around the market on 15 December will be organised by TQ6 Community Partnership, Dartmouth Community Chest and the Dartmouth Rotary Club.
7. Halloween Party
Dress up, make up, disco, food. A group of mums have volunteered to decorate the venue.
5-9pm Friday, 27 October at Dartmouth AFC, run by TQ6 Community Partnership and Dartmouth Community Chest.
8. Any other business
Vaccination clinic for just Covid at the Dartmouth Community Cafe on 3 November
TQ6 Community Partnership for youth was suggested by Ash.
Action: Further conversations to be had
Suggestion for a Christmas Tree and Light Up event up the top of town, in Townstal
Action: Further conversations to be had
Next TQ6 Partnership Meeting:

The TQ6 Community Partnership is supported by the National Lottery