“Menkinde… It’s about teamwork and our team is growing everyday, we welcomed some old members back and some new ones too!” writes Aiden on Facebook
The group was showing off their awesome jumpers made by Yard Park Dartmouth.
“Thank you so much, I’m sure you’ll see us around town.
“In addition, we had the group form teams of two for a quiz night which as you can imagine had some laughs
“Our group is there for any man needing some company or even just an ear because as men we don’t talk, but we will change that, it doesn’t make you weak it makes you stronger and able to go about your day being the best bloke you know!”
Thank you Menkinde and Dartmouth Community Chest!
Visit the MENKINDE group on Facebook.
The group meets at the Darmouth Community Cafe and Support hub on Wednesday evening.